Leading the industry with specialized RF design technology, we pioneer in focusing on the upstream IC product design of high-frequency RF ICs. We offer the latest wafer production processes including GaN/SiC/InP production, as well as the design and integration manufacturing of high-frequency wafer testing systems with On-water probing.
Our IDM framework provides one-stop shopping for RF IC QFN/ Air Calvity QFN packaging and packaging testing Final Test, establishing us as the most professional integrated system provider for single RF IC packaging and testing in the industry.
我們提供包 GaN/SiC/InP 生產在內的最新品圓生產工藝,以及高頻品圓測試系統的設計和集成製造包括品圓上探針测試。我們的IDM框架為射頻集成電路QFN/空腔封裝和封裝測試最終測試提供一站式整合,使我們成為業界內最專業的單一射頻IC封裝和測試集成系統供應商。