2019-OFC-The Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition

誠意實業於OFC-The Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition 協同廠T+ 展出高頻量測解決方案包含T Plus高頻探針與量測治具、客製化量測需求…等,歡迎舊雨新知來共襄盛舉

#展出日期: 3/5~3/7, 2019

#攤位號碼 T+ OFC booth No. 5824

#地點:San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA


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Exhibition News
RF Knowledge

Ginpintec calls  a group of friends who are highly interested in RF measurement. At present, the RF wafer measurement requirement is increasing, and Ginpintec partner include RF probe、RF cable、RF probe station and senior test engineer. We integrate each other’s professions and provide most special measurement service.