44th ECOC 2018 – European Conference on Optical Communication 2018 (2018歐洲光纖通訊展)

誠意實業與T PLUS於44th ECOC 2018 -European Conference on Optical Communication 2018  (歐洲光纖通訊展) 攤位編號712盛大展出最新探針卡、100G QPSK光通訊模組測試治具、TDR模組測試用治具、搭配光通訊收發器使用之測試治具、客製化探針包含單/雙訊號、可調式探針…等,歡迎現場????臨指教。

#展出日期: 9/23~9/27, 2018

#攤位號碼 : 712

#地點: 羅馬展覽中心,羅馬展覽及會議中心 (第三展廳)
東入口 Viale Alexandre Gustave Eiffel 79, Roma
西入口 Via Portuense 1645-1647, Roma



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Ginpintec calls  a group of friends who are highly interested in RF measurement. At present, the RF wafer measurement requirement is increasing, and Ginpintec partner include RF probe、RF cable、RF probe station and senior test engineer. We integrate each other’s professions and provide most special measurement service.