Latest 400Gbps Optical Tranceiver Testing Fixture!!We are in OFC 2017 from 21-23/Mar/2017.

“Honestco Electric is honorably presenting the latest Optical Tranceiver Testing Fixture up to 400GBps from TPLUS in the OFC 2017 in Los Angles Convention Center from 21-23/Mar/2017.
Join us to discover more about the magical testing power for high speed optical communication tool to enormously speed up the testing scale and capacity in LA! Our booth No. 3552.”
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RF Knowledge

Ginpintec calls  a group of friends who are highly interested in RF measurement. At present, the RF wafer measurement requirement is increasing, and Ginpintec partner include RF probe、RF cable、RF probe station and senior test engineer. We integrate each other’s professions and provide most special measurement service.