在我們的課程中,學員將學習到RF領域的基礎知識,包括射頻電路的原理和設計,無線通訊系統的架構和 運作方式,以及IC設計和封裝技術等。
我們的專業講師團隊將通過生動的教學方式,深入淺出地講解這些 複雜的概念,並通過豐富的實例和案例來幇助學員理解和應用這些知識。
學員將有機會使用各種專業設備和工具進行實驗 和測試,包括網路分析儀、探針台等。
透過這些實踐活動,學員將能夠真正地將理論知識應用到實際工作 中,並獲得寶貴的實踐經驗。
我們不定期舉辦各種 專題講座和交流活動,讓學員可以與來自各個領域的專家和同行進行深入的交流和探討,拓展自己的人脈和視野。
Honestco RF Training, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and professional learning platform for students who want to explore RF basics, IC design, measurement, packaging and other related fields. Our courses cover a wide range of content, from theoretical knowledge to practical applications, allowing students to build a foundation in theory and deepen their understanding and application of knowledge through hands-on experience.
In our courses, students will learn the fundamentals of the RF field, including the principles and design of RF circuits, the architecture and operation of wireless communication systems, as well as IC design and packaging techniques. Our team of professional instructors will explain these complex concepts in an engaging and accessible manner, using rich examples and case studies to help students to understand and apply the knowledge.
In addition to theoretical knowledge, our courses also provide ample opportunities for practical learning. Students will have the chance to conduct experiments and tests using a variety of professional equipment and tools, including network analyzers and probe stations. Through these practical activities, students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations and gain valuable practical experience.
Our courses also offer a professional networking platform, providing students with opportunities to interact with industry experts and peers. We regularly organize various seminars and exchange events, allowing students to engage in in-depth discussions and exchanges with experts and peers from various fields, expanding their professional network and perspectives.
課程名稱 | 課程資訊 | 日期 |
常設課程 NT$5000/門
Regular Course: NT$5000 per session
Industry Partners: Receive a 10-person course package for free with any purchase of Honestco products
Students with valid ID can attend for free
Various themed seminars are regularly updated
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